Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Why Can't Girls Play Sports ?

While watching television I happen to see a new Fisher Price toy being advertised. This new toy is called Smart Fit Park. What really bothers me about this ad is that the girl is playing in the park either jumping rope, playing hop scotch or running around with the characters. Then in the second part of the ad the boy gets a turn. Now when the boy has a turn the activities change. The major issue to me is that the sports are not advertised with a girl ? Why can't the boy play with the jump rope or hop scotch and the girl play with the bat and tennis racket ?

The socialization of boys and girls is very different. When girls are brought home from the hospital many parents refer to them as a precious princesses. They treat their daughter as delicate and fragile. On the other hand, when a boy is brought home, it doesn’t take long before the parents, and especially the father, are showing people how strong their boy is. Often before the baby can hold up his head, he is identified as the future quarterback while the little girl is sporting an infant cheerleader outfit. It is also common for rough housing to start with young boys, while girls are not encouraged in the same ways to be physical. It comes as no surprise that the gender expectations put on a child affect other arenas in their life, such as school. The input and influence from the media and society, but most importantly from the parents can begin this divide even before the child says his or her first words.  The impact can be profound.

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