Sunday, October 11, 2009

Girls Singled Out !

I recently received a link from my sister, she thought it may interest me because of the classes I am taking. This article discusses a recent “ABC News Special" on teenage sexuality called "Is Oral Sex the New Goodnight Kiss"

Monica Grajales a sex educator, talks about how our young girls think about sex.

She points out one way in which this video reinforces a male dominated society. “It states that 54 % of girls between 15 and 19 have had oral sex". It is clear that this percentage is supposed to incite panic or at least horror for the viewer. However, it begs the question, with whom are the 54 % of the girls having sex? That part is not mentioned in the video, though presumably it is usually with males roughly their age. Is a male teen’s sexual behavior more of a social norm? If so, why is our society saying it is okay for the male teens to have sex but not the girls? Why the double standard? Why are the girls singled out? This seems as archaic to me as it does to the author of this article.

Another point the video made worth mentioning: “Girls most at-risk are the prettiest ones from the most successful families. We’re not talking about marginalized girls.” So that means that if you are not wealthy and fit into society's ideal of Barbie, that it is okay to have people exploit your body. In other words, we never see the African American girls making the news, just rich white girls. What about all the girls sold into  prostitution? - rings? Is it okay as long as they do not come from rich families? This is the stupidest comment I have every heard. I would like to know who the judge of a pretty girl is. Is it society? Is it other girls? Is it all about money?

One last thought to add, I do not think most teenage girls think oral sex on a first date is normal, and it is irresponsible to say they do, because a young girl may see this and then think that she has to be that way.

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