Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Myth that Only White Kids go Missing

I thought about doing the blog on the missing girls in Florida. I was talking to a friend on Thursday and mentioned to her that these girls in Florida are white. They are getting a lot of media attention. I know kids go missing all the time, so why are white kids the only ones getting media attention? Then i saw this

All children deserve the same equal treatment. All children are innocent the race of the child shouldn't matter. One child hurt is one too many. One child missing is one too many.

The bias in the media is not just about young white girls. Think about Annie Le, a 24-year-old Yale pharmacology graduate student, went missing on Sept. 8, it only took three days for the university to offer a $20,000 reward.

Ten women have been found slain or have been declared missing in Rocky Mount, N.C. in recent years. But the rest of the country hasn't heard. There may be a possible serial killer stalking this young women African American Women, however there has not been any media attention. The latest victim, Elizabeth Jane Smallwood, was identified on Oct. 12. Why have the Rocky Mount murders been largely ignored? In the case of the Rocky Mount women, it took more than six years to raise that same amount of money for 10 women. These women are just as important. Why aren't we teaching our kids and society none of these action are okay? We fight for equal rights.  That means equal right for all women--not just white women. Race should never play a role.

Black and Missing

Missing Kids

Child Connection


  1. This is a very good blog post and I completely agree with your statements. I have honestly never even thought twice about this before reading your post. Why do they only show the young white women? Do they have an answer for that? I think that is ashame and unfair that this is the representation that they portray. Are they trying to say that a white woman or girl's disappearance is more important than a person of any other race? This can cause allot of confusion and I am not sure that I would be happy if I was a young woman from another race. What is the world trying to tell us?

  2. I have thought about this so many times since we talked and I have watched the TV for missing children of races other than white to be seen. I also did research and basically couldn't find anything. How sad. Haven't we moved past this ugliness yet? How many children haven't been found because there was no media attention through the Amber Alert system?
    I have seen African American children that are missing on the local TV stations, but what about the national news? Thanks for opening my eyes.
