Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Who Does Society Value More?

Michael Vick was sentenced to prison for up to 23 months for running a dogfighting operation. Chris Brown was sentenced to 1,400 hours in "labor-oriented service" for assaulting his girlfriend, Rihanna. Chris Brown will also be on probation for five years. What is wrong with our society, when a person hurts an animal and receives jail time,and another person beats up his girlfriend and gets community service? Women need to be valued more then than animals. Michael Vick also seemed to get twice the media attention for his dog fightting charges. The media allows this to happen .Women are treated as possessions and objects. This is clear in many music videos, especially rap, where women  can be seen being used as tables or sex objects. This sends a message to society that it is ok to treat women in a violent way.

1 comment:

  1. I am with you, it made me angry when Chris Brown got off so lightly. He pulvarized that girls face. She was scared for her life, it goes beyong assault to attempted murder. Money talks and so does the attitude men have about women. No one should buy his records until he has gone through thorough counselling. This was not his first anger problem.
